Newton Leroy Gingrich ( , born June 17, 1943) is an American politician and author, born in Pennsylvania, later representing Georgia at the Congress, and eventually served as the 50th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999. He represented Georgia's 6th congressional district as a Republican from 1979 until his resignation in 1999. In 2012, Gingrich is a presidential candidate Republican candidacy.
A history and geography teacher at the University of West Georgia in the 1970s, Gingrich won the election to the United States House of Representatives in November 1978, the first Republic in the history of Georgia's 6th congress district to do so. He served as House Minority Whip from 1989-95, and House Speaker from 1995-99. A writer and architect of "Contract with America", Gingrich was the main leader in the Republican victory in the 1994 congressional elections. In 1995, Time named it "Man of the Year" for his "role in ending a democratic majority four decades in the DPR ".
As Speaker of the House, Gingrich oversaw the way by the House of Welfare reform and capital gains tax cuts in 1997. The poor represented by Republicans in the 1998 Congressional elections, a reprimand from the House for Gingrich ethics offenses, and pressure from Republican colleagues, resulted in resignation Gingrich from a spokesperson on November 6, 1998. He resigned completely from the House of Representatives on January 3, 1999.
Since leaving home, Gingrich remains active in public policy debates and works as a political consultant. He founded and led several policy think tanks, including the American Solutions for Winning the Future and the Center for Health Transformation. He has written or co-authored 27 books. In May 2011, he announced his campaign for a Republican presidential nomination. On May 2, 2012, Gingrich ended his presidential campaign and supported front runner Mitt Romney, who won the nomination.
Video Newt Gingrich
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Gingrich was born as Newton Leroy McPherson at Harrisburg Hospital in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on June 17, 1943. His mother, Kathleen "Kit" (nÃÆ' Â © e Daugherty, 1925-2003), and father, Newton Searles McPherson (1923-1970) married in September 1942, when he was 16 years old and McPherson was 19 years old. Her marriage fell apart in a few days. He is of British, German, Scottish, and Irish descent.
In 1946, his mother married Army career officer Robert Gingrich (1925-1996), who adopted Newt. Robert Gingrich is a career Army officer who serves tours in Korea and Vietnam. In 1956 the family moved to Europe live for a period in OrlÃÆ'Â ans, France and Stuttgart, Germany.
Gingrich has three young sisters, Candace and Susan Gingrich, and Roberta Brown. Gingrich grew up in Hummelstown (near Harrisburg) and at the military base where his father was stationed. The family religion is Lutheran. He also has his half-brother and half-brother, Randy McPherson, on his father's side. In 1960 during the first year of high school, the family moved to Georgia at Fort Benning.
In 1961, Gingrich graduated from Baker High School in Columbus, Georgia. He has been interested in politics since his teenage years. While living with his family in OrlÃÆ'Â ans, France, he visited the Battle of Verdun and learned about the sacrifices made there and the importance of political leadership.
Gingrich received a B.A. a degree in history from Emory University in Atlanta in 1965. He went on to graduate school at Tulane University, earning his M.A. (1968) and his Ph.D. in European history (1971). He spent six months in Brussels in 1969-70 working on his dissertation, Belgian Education Policy in Congo 1945-1960.
Gingrich received delays from the military during the Vietnam War years for being a disciple and father. In 1985, he stated, "Given all that I believe, most of me think I should go."
In 1970, Gingrich joined the history department at West Georgia College as an assistant professor. In 1974 he moved to the department of geography and was instrumental in establishing an interdisciplinary environmental study program. He left campus in 1978 when he was elected to Congress.
Maps Newt Gingrich
early political career
Gingrich was the southern regional director for Nelson Rockefeller in the Republican parliamentary election of 1968.
Campaign congress
In 1974, Gingrich made his first bid for political office as a Republican candidate in Georgia's 6th congress district, which stretches from the southern outskirts of Atlanta to the Alabama state line. He lost 20 years Democrat candidate Jack Flynt by 2,770 votes. Gingrich has a large margin in the suburbs, but is unable to overcome the advantages of Flynt in the countryside. Gingrich's relative success surprised political analysts. Flynt never faced a serious challenger; Gingrich is the second Republican to ever fight him. He did well against Flynt even though 1974 was the year that brought disaster to the Republican candidate nationally because of the Watergate scandal from the Nixon government.
Gingrich attempted a rematch against Flynt in 1976. While Republicans did slightly better in the 1976 House election than in 1974 nationally, the Democratic candidate in the 1976 presidential election was former Georgian governor Jimmy Carter. Carter won more than two-thirds of the vote in his native Georgia. Gingrich lost the race with 5,100 votes.
When Gingrich prepared to run again in the 1978 election, Flynt decided to retire. Gingrich defeated Democratic State Sen. Virginia Shapard with 7,500 votes. Gingrich was re-elected six times from this district. He faced a near-election race - in 1990 parliamentary elections - when he won 978 votes in a race against Democrat David Worley. Although the district is a prominent Republican region on the national level, Democratic conservatives continue to hold most of the local offices, as well as most of the seats in the area in the General Assembly, into the 1980s.
In Congress
In 1981, Gingrich co-founded the Military Reform Caucus (MRC) and the Congressional Flight and the Caucus Chamber. During the 1983 sex scandal at the congress, Gingrich was among those who called for the expulsion of Dan Crane and Gerry Studds representatives. Gingrich endorsed a proposal to ban loans from the International Monetary Fund to Communist countries and he backed the bill to make Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday as a national holiday.
In 1983, Gingrich founded the Conservative Opportunity Society (COS), a group belonging to conservative Republican youth. Early COS members included Robert Smith Walker, Judd Gregg, Dan Coats and Connie Mack III. The group gradually expanded to include several dozen representatives, who met each week to exchange and develop ideas.
Gingrich's analysis of opinion polls and public opinion identifies the group's early focus. Ronald Reagan adopted the idea of ​​"society of opportunity" for the reelection campaign in 1984, supporting the group's conservative goals on economic growth, education, crime, and social issues. He did not emphasize this during his first term. Reagan also referred to an "opportunity" society in the first country of the United address for his second term.
In May 1988, Gingrich (along with 77 other members of Parliament and Common Cause) filed an ethics indictment against Democratic Party Chairman Jim Wright, who allegedly used a book deal to avoid the campaign finance laws and ethics rules of the House. During the investigation, it was reported that Gingrich had an unusual deal of his own book, for the Window of Opportunity, where the cost of publicity was covered by a limited partnership. He raised $ 105,000 from Republican political supporters to promote the sale of Gingrich's books. Gingrich's success in forcing Wright's resignation contributed to the growing influence in the Republican caucus.
In March 1989, Gingrich became the Whip Minority House in a closed election against Edward Rell Madigan. This is Gingrich's first formal position in the Republican party. He said his intention was to "build a much more aggressive activist party". At the beginning of his role as Whip, in May 1989, Gingrich was involved in talks about appointing Panama's Panama Canal administrator, scheduled to take place in 1989 subject to US government approval. Gingrich was outspoken in his opposition to giving control of the canal to an administrator appointed by the dictatorship in Panama.
Gingrich and others in the House, including the newly minted Seven Gang, have railed against what they see as an ethical lapse for nearly 40 years of control of the Democratic Party for nearly 40 years. House banking scandals and the Post Office Congressional scandal are a symbol of exposed corruption. Gingrich himself was among the members of the House who had written NSF checks at the House bank. He had overdrafts on twenty-two checks, including a $ 9,463 check on Internal Revenue Service in 1990.
In 1990, after consulting with the focus group with the help of the Frank Luntz survey agency, GOPAC shared a memo with a cover letter signed by Gingrich entitled "Language, Key Control Mechanism", which encouraged Republicans to "talk like Newt." It contains a list of "contrasting words" - words with negative connotations like "radical", "sick," and "traitor" - and "positive positive-setting words" such as "chance," "courage," and "principled" ", Gingrich recommended for use in describing Democrats and Republicans, respectively.
Due to the increase in population recorded in the 1990 US Census, Georgia took an additional seat for the 1992 US House of Representatives elections. However, the Democratic General Assembly of Georgia, under the leadership of the highly partisan Speaker Tom Murphy, specifically targeted Gingrich, who obliterated districts Gingrich is represented. Gerrymandering divides the Gingrich region among three neighboring districts. Most of the southern Gingrich district, including his home in Carrollton, was drawn to Columbus-based 3rd District, represented by the five-star Democrat Richard Ray. Gingrich commented that "The speaker, by collecting money and conspiracy, sincerely dedicates a portion of his career to wipe me out."
At the same time, the Assembly created a highly Republican New District 6 in the Fulton and Cobb districts of the rich Atlanta suburbs - a region Gingrich never represented. Gingrich sold his home in Carrollton and moved to Marietta on the 6th. His main opponent, State Representative Herman Clark, made trouble of 22 Gingrich's ingenious checks at House Bank Scandal, and also criticized Gingrich for moving to the district. After the recount, Gingrich won by 980 votes, with a 51% to 49% result. Her main victory was all but reassured her election in November. He was re-elected three times from this district against the nominal Democratic opposition.
The "Republican Revolution" of 1994
In the 1994 campaign season, in an effort to offer an alternative to Democratic Party policies and to unite the Republican wing's wings, Gingrich and several other Republicans came up with a Contract with the Americans, who established ten policies promised by Republicans to take to voting on the floor of the House during the first hundred days of the new Congress, if they win the election. The contract was signed by Gingrich and other Republican candidates for the House of Representatives. The contract ranges from issues such as welfare reform, term limits, tighter crime laws, and balanced budget laws, to more specialized laws such as the limitation of US military participation in the mission of the United Nations.
In the November 1994 elections, the Republican Party won 54 seats and seized control of the House for the first time since 1954. Old House Minority Leader Bob Michel of Illinois did not run for re-election, giving Gingrich, a Republican back-to-congressman, Speaker. The part-time election that changed the congressional power to the Republic "changed the center of gravity" in the nation's capital. Time magazine named Gingrich "Man of the Year" 1995 for his role in the election.
Speaker Home
The house fulfills Gingrich's promise to bring all ten issues of Contract into voting within the first 100 days of the session. President Clinton called it "Contract over America".
The legislation proposed by the 104th United States Congress includes limits on terms of tenure for Congressional Representatives, tax cuts, welfare reform and balanced budgetary amendments, and independent audits of DPR finances and removal of non-essential services such as barbershop and concessions shoe-shine. After the first two years of Gingrich as House Speaker, the Republican majority was re-elected in the 1996 elections, the first time the Republicans did so in 68 years, and the first time in conjunction with the Democrat president who won re-election.
According to Harvard University political scientists Daniel Ziblatt and Steven Levitsky, Gingrich speakers have a profound and lasting impact on American politics and health from American democracy. They argued that Gingrich inculcated an "aggressive" approach in the Republican Party, where hate and hyper-partisan language became commonplace, and where democratic norms were abandoned. Gingrich often questioned the Democratic patriotism, calling them corrupt, comparing it to the fascists, and accusing them of wanting to destroy the United States. Gingrich also oversaw several major government closures, as well as implicating President Clinton partisanly.
Welfare reform
The main promise of President Bill Clinton's campaign is to reform the welfare system, adding to changes such as job requirements for the recipient. However, in 1994, the Clinton Administration seemed more concerned with pursuing a universal health care program. Gingrich accused Clinton of stalling his welfare, and stated that Congress could pass the welfare reform bill in just 90 days. He insisted that Republicans would continue to apply political pressure to the President to approve their welfare legislation.
In 1996, after building two welfare reform laws that Clinton vetoed, Gingrich and his supporters encouraged the release of Personal Responsibility and Employment Opportunities Act, which was intended to reconstruct the welfare system. The action gives the state government more autonomy over welfare delivery, while also reducing the responsibility of the federal government. It institutionalized the Provisional Assistance for Families in Needs program, which places time restrictions on welfare assistance and replaces the long-term Assistance for Families program. Other changes to the welfare system include more stringent conditions for food filling, reduction of immigrant welfare assistance, and job requirements for beneficiaries. The bill was signed into law by President Clinton on August 22, 1996.
In his 1998 book Learning Lessons from Difficult Times, Gingrich encourages volunteerism and spiritual renewal, places more importance on the family, creates tax incentives and reduces regulations for businesses in poor neighborhoods, and increases ownership of property by low income family. He also praised Habitat for Humanity for fueling the movement to improve people's lives by helping them build their own homes.
Balancing the federal budget
Although the congressional Republicans have opposed the Clinton Deficit Reduction Act of 1993, a key aspect of the 1994 Contract with America is a balanced federal budget pledge. After the closure of the government ended, Gingrich and other Republican leaders acknowledged that Congress would not be able to draw up a balanced budget in 1996. Instead, they opted to agree on some minor cuts that had been approved by the White House and wait until the next election season.
In May 1997, Republican congress leaders reached a compromise with Democrats and President Clinton on the federal budget. The agreement calls for a federal spending plan designed to reduce the federal deficit and achieve a balanced budget by 2002. The plan includes a total of $ 152 billion in bipartisan tax cuts for five years. Another major part of the spending plan called for $ 115 billion to be saved through the Medicare restructuring, $ 24 billion set aside to extend health insurance for children from working poor, tax credit for college tuition, and the welfare of $ 2 billion job-work initiatives.
President Clinton signed a budget law in August 1997. At the time of signing, Gingrich gave an award to ordinary Americans who stated, "It is their political will that brings both parties together."
In early 1998, with better-than-expected economic performance, increased tax revenues helped reduce the federal budget deficit to below $ 25 billion. Clinton submitted a balanced budget for 1999, three years ahead of schedule originally proposed, making it the first time the federal budget has been balanced since 1969.
Taxulayer Relief Act of 1997
In 1997, President Clinton signed the Tax Payer Assistance Act of 1997, which included the largest capital gains tax cut in US history. By law, the profits from the sale of private dwellings ($ 500,000 for married couples, $ 250,000 for singles) are exempt if lived in at least 2 years for the last 5 years. (This was previously limited to $ 125,000 once-in Lifetime Exceptions for those over 55.) There was also a reduction in a number of other taxes on investment gains.
In addition, it increases the value of inherited inheritance and rewards that can be protected from taxation. Gingrich has been credited with creating an agenda for the reduction of capital gains tax, especially in "Contracts with America", which are set to balance the budget and apply a decrease in income tax and capital tax. Some Republicans feel that Clinton's compromise on budget and tax measures is inadequate, but Gingrich has stated that tax cuts are a significant achievement for the Republican Congress in the face of opposition from the Clinton administration. Gingrich along with Bob Dole had previously established the Kemp Commission, headed by former US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Jack Kemp, a tax reform commission that made several recommendations including dividends, interest, and capital gains should not be charged.
Other rules
Among the first pieces of law passed by the new Congress under Gingrich are the 1995 Congressional Accountability Act, which Congressmen apply to the same laws that apply to businesses and their employees, including the Civil Rights Act 1964 and America with the Disability Act of 1990. As a provision of the Contract with America, the law is a symbol of a new Republican majority goal to remove some of the rights enjoyed by Congress. The bill was accepted near the universal acceptance of the House and Senate and was signed into law on 23 January 1995.
Gingrich closed the highly respected Technology Assessment Office, and relied solely on the so-called Atomic Newsletter as a "lobi and think tank interested in oneself".
Gingrich and the promise of the Republican majority who entered to slow the level of government spending contrary to the president's agenda for Medicare, education, environment and public health, which led to two temporary halt from the federal government of 28 days.
Clinton said Republican amendments would disarm the US Treasury's ability to dip federal trust funds to avoid a loan crisis. The Republican Amendment will limit calls by inmates to death, making it harder to issue health, safety and environmental regulations, and will make the president have a balanced budget for seven years. Clinton vetoed a second bill allowing the government to keep operating beyond the time when most of the spending authority ended.
The GOP amendment opposed by Clinton will not only increase Medicare Part B's premium but will also cancel the scheduled deduction. Republicans maintained Medicare B's share of premiums in January 1996 to $ 53.50 per month. Clinton liked the laws that prevailed at the time, which left the senior premium paid down to $ 42.50.
The government closed most of the unnecessary offices during the closure, which is the longest in US history. The termination ended when Clinton agreed to submit a balanced budget plan approved by the CBO.
During the crisis, Gingrich's public image suffered from the perception that the hard-line Republican budget stance was partly owed to Clinton's alleged abuse by Gingrich during a flight at Air Force One to and from Yitzhak Rabin's burial in Israel. The perception developed after the trip when Gingrich, when quizzed by Lars-Erik Nelson at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast, said that he was not satisfied that Clinton did not invite him to discuss the budget during the flight. He complained that he and Dole were ordered to use the back door of the plane to deplane, saying that the harassment was "part of why you end up with us sending a harder sustained resolution". In response to Gingrich's complaints that they were "forced to use the back door," NBC news released their videotape showing both Gingrich and Dole landing in Tel Aviv just behind Clinton via the front steps.
Gingrich is widely criticized for implying that government closure is the result of his personal grievances, including a widely distributed editorial cartoon depicting him as a troubling baby. Democratic leaders, including Chuck Schumer, took the opportunity to attack Gingrich's motives for budgetary issues. In 1998, Gingrich said that these comments were "one of the most avoidable mistakes" as Speakers.
Discussing the impact of the government's shutdown on the Republican Party, Gingrich later commented that, "Everyone in Washington thinks that it is a big mistake, they are absolutely wrong.No majority of Republicans are re-elected since 1928. Part of the reason we got re-elected. and we think we are serious because when it comes to show-downs, we're not afraid. "In 2011 that opened at The Washington Post, Gingrich said that the closure of the government led to a deal a balanced budget in 1997 and four consecutive balanced budgets since the 1920s, as well as - elected from the Republican majority since 1928.
Bill and ethical strikes
Eighty-four ethical allegations were filed by the Democrats against Gingrich during his tenure as Speaker. All end up falling except one: claiming tax-exempt status for college courses run for political purposes. On January 21, 1997, the House of Representatives officially rebuked Gingrich (in a vote of 395 in favor, 28 opposed) and "ordered [him] to replace the House for some investigative fee in the amount of $ 300,000". This is the first time a Speaker has been disciplined for ethical violations.
In addition, the House's Ethics Committee concluded that the inaccurate information provided to the researchers represent "intentional or frivolous" disregard of House rules. Special Adviser to the Ethics Committee James M. Cole concluded that Gingrich had violated federal tax law and had lied to the ethical panel in an effort to force the committee to dismiss the complaint against him. The full committee panel does not agree whether the tax law has been violated and submitted the matter to the IRS. In 1999, the IRS cleared organizations associated with the course "Renewing of American Civilizations" under investigation for possible tax violations.
Regarding the situation, Gingrich said in January 1997, "I am not managing a sufficiently intense effort to direct or thoroughly review the information submitted to the committee on my behalf.In my name and on my signature statement, it is inaccurate, incomplete and can not be relied upon to the committee, but I do not mean to mislead the committee... I tear down the man's house a controversy that can weaken the faith of the people in their government. "
Challenge of leadership
In the summer of 1997, some Republicans tried to replace him as Chairman, claiming Gingrich's public image was a duty. The "coup" attempt began on July 9 with meetings of Republican conference chairman John Boehner of Ohio and Republican chairman Bill Paxon of New York. According to their plan, House Majority Leader Dick Armey, House Majority Whip Tom DeLay, Boehner and Paxon will present Gingrich with an ultimatum: to resign, or to be elected. However, Armey rejected the proposal to make Paxon the new Speaker, and told his chief of staff to warn Gingrich. On July 11, Gingrich met with senior Republican leaders to assess the situation. He explained that under no circumstances he would not come down. If he is elected, there will be a new election for the Speaker. This will allow the possibility that Democrats, along with Republicans who disagree, will vote in Democrat Dick Gephardt as Speaker. On July 16, Paxon offered to resign from his post, feeling that he was not handling the situation properly, as the only member of the leadership he had been appointed to his position - by Gingrich - instead of being elected.
In 1998, Republicans lost five seats in the DPR - the worst part-time performance in 64 years by parties that did not hold the presidency. Gingrich, who won his re-election, was held responsible for Republican losses in the House. His personal opinion poll has given fellow Republicans that the impression that driving the Lewinsky scandal will undermine Clinton's popularity and result in the party winning a net total of six to thirty seats in the US House of Representatives in this election. A day after the election, a Republican caucus ready to rebel against him prompted his resignation from the speakers. He also announced his departure and eventually quit the House in January 1999. When he released the speaker, Gingrich said he was "unwilling to lead the cannibals," and claimed that leaving the House would prevent him from overshadowing his successor.
Gingrich has since remained engaged in national politics and public policy debates, especially on issues concerning health care, national security, and the role of religion in American public life.
In 2003, he founded the Center for Health Transformation. Gingrich supports the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003, creating a federal Medicare Part D drug prescription program. Some conservatives criticized him for supporting the plan, because of the cost. However, Gingrich remains a supporter, stating in a 2011 interview that it is a necessary Medicare modernization, made before pharmaceutical drugs become standard in medical care. He said that the increased cost of medicines should be seen as prevention, leading to a decrease in the need for medical procedures. In a May 15, 2011, interview on Meet the Press, Gingrich reiterated his long-held belief that "we all have a responsibility to pay - help pay for health care", and suggest it can be implemented with a mandate to obtain health insurance or a requirement to post a guarantee warranty coverage. In the same interview, Gingrich said, "I do not think that the right-wing social engineering is more desirable than the left-wing social engineering.I do not think imposing radical change from the right or left is a very good way to free the society to operate." causing a reaction within the Republican Party.
In 2005, with Hillary Clinton, Gingrich announced the proposed 21st Century Health Information Act, a bill aimed at replacing documents with secret electronic health information networks. Gingrich also led an independent congressional study group of health policy experts set up in 2007 to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of actions taken in the US against Alzheimer's disease.
Gingrich has served on several commissions, including the Hart-Rudman Commission, officially known as the US/21st National Security Commission, which examines national security issues affecting the armed forces, law enforcement and intelligence services. In 2005 he became co-chair of the task force for UN reform, aiming to produce a plan for the United States to help strengthen the United Nations. For more than two decades, Gingrich has taught at the United States Air Force Air University, where he is the longest teacher of the Warfighting Combat Warfare Course Course. In addition, he is a distinguished honor student and Professor of Honor at the National Defense University and teaches officers from all defense services. Gingrich informally advised Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on strategic issues, on issues including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and urged the Pentagon not to "generate" foreign policy influence to the State Department and National Security Council. Gingrich is also a member of the Project Coalition on National Security Reform.
Gingrich was founded and served as chairman of the American Solution for Winning the Future, a group of 527 founded by Gingrich in 2007. The group is a "fundraising giant" that collects $ 52 million from major donors, such as Sheldon Adelson and Peabody Energy coal company. This group promotes deregulation and upgrading of offshore oil drilling and extraction of other fossil fuels and opposes the Free Labor Options Act; Politico reports, "Operations, which include polling and fundraising, promoting Gingrich's books, sending direct mail, broadcast advertising that heralds the cause and fund its travels across the country." The American solution was closed in 2011 after he left the organization.
Other organizations and companies founded or chaired by Gingrich include creative production company Gingrich Productions, and the religious education organization Renewal of American Leadership.
Gingrich is a member of the Foreign Relations Board.
He is a fellow at the conservative think tank of the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution. He sometimes serves as a commentator, guest or panel member on cable news shows, such as Fox News Channel. He is listed as a contributor by Fox News Channel, and often appears as a guest in various segments; he also often held special events for Fox News Channel. Gingrich has signed the promise of "Strong America Now" which is committed to promoting the Six Sigma method to reduce government spending.
Gingrich founded Advocates for Opioid Recovery with his former Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy and Van Jones, former domestic policy adviser to President Barack Obama.
After leaving Congress in 1999, Gingrich started a number of non-profit companies: Between 2001 and 2010, the companies he and his wife owned in full or in part had revenues of nearly $ 100 million. Currently, Gingrich serves as an adviser to Canadian mining company Barrick Gold.
According to the financial disclosure form released in July 2011, Gingrich and his wife had a net worth of at least $ 6.7 million in 2010, compared to a net worth of $ 2.4 million in 2006. Most of the increase in net worth was due to payments to him from a non-profit company.
Gingrich Group and the Health Transformation Center
The Gingrich Group was organized in 1999 as a consulting firm. Over time, his non-health clients were dropped, and renamed the Health Transformation Center. Both companies have revenues of $ 55 million between 2001 and 2010. Revenues come from over 300 health insurance companies and other clients, with a membership fee of $ 200,000 per year in exchange for access to Gingrich and other facilities. In 2011, when Gingrich became a presidential candidate, he sold his interest in business and said he would release a full list of his clients and the amount he paid, "as far as we can".
In April 2012, the Center for Health Transformation filed for bankruptcy Chapter 7, plans to liquidate its assets to meet $ 1- $ 10 million in debt.
Between 2001 and 2010, Gingrich consulted Freddie Mac, a government-sponsored secondary home mortgage company, concerned about the new rules being considered by Congress. Regarding the $ 1.6 million payment for the consultation, Gingrich said that "Freddie Mac pays Gingrich Group, which has a number of employees and a number of offices, consulting fees, just as you would pay other consulting firms." In January 2012, he said he could not announce his contract with Freddie Mac, even though the company gave his permission, until his business partner at the Health Transformation Center also approved it.
Gingrich Productions
Gingrich Productions, headed by Gingrich Callista Gingrich's wife, was created in 2007. According to the company's website, in May 2011, it was "a show and production company featuring Newt and Callista Gingrich's work, Newt and Callista hosted and produced historical and policy documentation public, writing books, recording audio books and dubbing, producing photography essays, and making television and radio appearances. "
Between 2008 and 2011, the company produced three films about religion, one in energy, one in Ronald Reagan, and one on the threat of radical Islam. Everything is a joint project with the conservative group Citizens United. In 2011, Newt and Callista appeared on A City Upon a Hill , on the subject of American exceptionalism.
As of May 2011, the company has about five employees. In 2010, he paid Gingrich more than $ 2.4 million.
Gingrich Communications
Gingrich Communications promotes Gingrich's public appearance, including the Fox News contract and its website, Gingrich receives $ 60,000 for a speech, and performs as much as 80 in a year. One of Gingrich's nonprofit groups, the American Leadership Renewal, which was founded in March 2009, paid Gingrich Communications $ 220,000 for two years; the charity shares its donor names with Gingrich, who can use them for nonprofits. Gingrich Communications, which employs 15 people at the most, closed in 2011 when Gingrich started his presidential campaign.
- Celebrity Leader is a booking agency that handles Gingrich talks, as well as other clients such as former chairman of the Republican National Committee Michael Steele and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum. Kathy Lubbers, president and CEO of the agency, who is the daughter of Gingrich, owns the agency. Gingrich owns shares in the agency, and paid more than $ 70,000 by him in 2010.
- The FGH publication deals with the production and royalty of fiction books co-authored by Gingrich.
Political activity
Between 2005 and 2007, Gingrich declared his interest to run for Republican presidential nomination 2008. On October 13, 2005, Gingrich suggested he consider running for president, saying, "There is a situation where I will run", explaining that the situation would occurs if no other candidate has won some of the platform ideas he supports. On September 28, 2007, Gingrich announced that if his supporters promised $ 30 million for his campaign on October 21, he would seek nominations.
However, insisting that he is "strong enough" is considered running, on Sept. 29 spokesman Rick Tyler said that Gingrich would not seek a president in 2008 because he could not continue serving as chairman of the American Solution if he did. Citing the legal limitations of campaign funds (McCain-Feingold's campaign law will force him to leave his American Solutions political organization if he declares his candidacy), Gingrich said, "I'm not ready to leave American Solutions, even to investigate whether a campaign is realistic."
During a 2009 special election in New York's 23rd congress district, Gingrich endorsed Republican moderate candidate Dede Scozzafava, rather than Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman, backed by leading national Republics. He is heavily criticized for this support, with conservatives questioning his candidacy for the President in 2012 and even comparing it to Benedict Arnold.
2012 presidential campaign
In late 2008 some political commentators, including Marc Ambinder at The Atlantic and Robert Novak at The Washington Post, identified Gingrich as the top presidential candidate in the 2012 election, with Ambinder reporting. that Gingrich "already planted some seeds in Iowa, New Hampshire". The July 2010 poll conducted by Public Polling Policy shows that Gingrich is a leading GOP candidate for Republican nomination with 23% of Republican voters likely saying they would vote for him.
Describing his views as a possible candidate during his appearance on Recording with Greta Van Susteren in March 2009, Gingrich said, "I am deeply saddened that some Republicans do not understand that this country is ill from the traits. [America ] are fed up with politicians who take care of themselves.They are fed up with their money being spent in a completely untenable way... I think you'll see a steady increase in the number of well-established opponents because American taxpayers are getting fed up. "
On March 3, 2011, Gingrich officially announced the website entitled "Newt Exploratory 2012" in lieu of an official exploration committee for the exploration of a presidential candidate. On May 11, 2011, Gingrich officially announced his intention to seek GOP nomination in 2012.
On June 9, 2011, a group of senior campaign aides of Gingrich left the campaign en masse, leading to doubts about the survival of his presidency. On June 21, 2011, two other senior aides left.
In response, Gingrich stated that he did not get out of the race for the Republican nomination, and pointed to his five-year experience of winning a seat in Congress, spending 16 years helping to build a Republican majority at home and working for decades to build a Republican majority in Georgia. Some commentators noted Gingrich's resilience throughout his career, in particular with regard to his presidential campaign.
Afterwards Herman Cain's front-runner was damaged by allegations of past sexual abuse, Gingrich gained support, and quickly became a competitor in the race, especially after Cain suspended his campaign. On December 4, 2011, Gingrich leads in a national poll. However, after the abundance of negative advertising run by his opponents throughout December, Gingrich's national vote has fallen into a tie with Mitt Romney.
On January 3, 2012, Gingrich finished in fourth place in the Iowa Republic caucus, far behind Rick Santorum, Romney, and Ron Paul. On January 10, Gingrich finished in fifth place in the primary New Hampshire Republican, far behind Romney, Santorum, Jon Huntsman, and Paul.
After the pitch narrowed with withdrawals from the Huntsman and Rick Perry races, Gingrich won the Republic of South Carolina on Jan. 21, gaining about 40% of the vote, well above Romney, Santorum and Paul. This surprising victory allowed Gingrich to reappear as a pioneer once again heading to Florida.
On January 31, 2012, Gingrich was second in main Florida Republican, losing by fifteen percentage points margin, 47% to 32%. Some of the contributing factors to this outcome include two powerful debates by Romney (which is usually Gingrich's strong lawsuit), the wide margin used by Gingrich's campaign in television commercials, and a proposal widely criticized by Gingrich for having a permanent colony on the moon in 2020 to revive the American Space Program.
He later revealed Romney had hired a debating coach to help him perform better in the Florida debate.
Gingrich, however, significantly outpaced the votes of Santorum and Paul. On February 4, 2012, Gingrich placed the two distant caucuses in the Republic of Nevada with 21%, losing to Romney who received more than 50% of the total votes cast.
On February 7, 2012, Gingrich occupies the last position in the Minnesota Republican caucus with approximately 10.7% of the vote. Santorum won the caucus, followed by Paul and Romney.
On Tuesday Super Gingrich won his home country, Georgia, which had the most delegates, in "a gloomy night for him". Santorum took Tennessee and Oklahoma, where Gingrich had previously performed well at the polls, although Gingrich manages the second statistical spot in Oklahoma.
On April 4, Rick Santorum's campaign shifted his position and urged Gingrich to get out of the race and support Santorum.
On 10 April, Santorum announced the suspension of his campaign. Following this announcement, The Newt 2012 campaign used a new slogan that referred to Gingrich as "the last conservative position". Nevertheless, on April 19, Gingrich told the Republican Party in New York that he would work to help Romney win the election if Romney secured the nomination.
After disappointing second place in primary Delaware on April 24, and with a campaign debt of more than $ 4 million, Gingrich suspended his campaign and supported Mitt Romney on May 2, 2012, on behalf of whom he later campaigned (ie, stubborn speech and television performances).
Gingrich then organized a number of policy workshops at the GOP Convention in Tampa presented by the National Republican Committee called "Newt University". He and his wife Calista talked about the service on his last day with Ronald Reagan's introduction.
In 2016, Newt Gingrich filed a debt settlement plan with the Federal Election Commission showing his presidential campaign in 2012 will pay zero dollars against more than $ 4.6 million in unpaid debts to 114 businesses and consultants.
Donald Trump 2016 campaign campaign
After consulting for Donald Trump's 2016 campaign, Gingrich encouraged his Republican colleagues to unite behind Trump, who at that time became Republican presidential candidate. Gingrich is reported to be among Trump's last three options to be his partner; his position finally went to Indiana Governor Mike Pence.
After Trump's victory in the presidential election, speculation emerged about Gingrich as a possible Foreign Minister, or Chief of Staff, or advisor. Eventually, Gingrich announced that he would not serve in the cabinet. He stated that he had no interest in serving in any role associated with the administration of Trump, stressing that as a private citizen he would engage with individuals for "strategic planning" rather than looking for work.
In May 2017, he promoted conspiracy theories that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats have Seth Rich, an employee of the Democratic National Committee, who was killed during the 2016 presidential election.
Gingrich attended his wife's inauguration as US Ambassador to the Holy See at the White House in October 2017.
Political position
Gingrich was most often identified with the 1994 Contract with America. He is the founder of American Solutions for Winning the Future. More recently, Gingrich has advocated replacing the Environmental Protection Agency with the proposed "Environmental Solutions Agency".
He likes strong immigration border policies and guest worker programs. In terms of energy policy, he argues in favor of flexible fuel mandates for cars sold in the US and promotes the use of ethanol in general.
Gingrich has taken a small view of internationalism and the United Nations. He said in 2015, "after a few years of looking at the UN, I can report to you that it's quite corrupt and quite inefficient, that no reasonable person trusts him."
In 2007, Gingrich wrote a book, rediscovering God in America , arguing that the Founding Fathers actively aimed at the new republic to not only allow, but encourage, religious expression on the public grounds. After the publication of the book, he was invited by Jerry Falwell to be the second speaker of the Liberty University graduation, on May 19, 2007, as Gingrich has "dedicated most of his time to call [United States] America, back to our Christian heritage".
Gingrich's books then took the focus of a large-scale policy, including Winning the Future , and most recently, To Save America . Gingrich has identified education as "number one in our future prosperity", and has partnered with Al Sharpton and Education Minister Arne Duncan on education issues. Despite earlier he opposed gay marriage, in December 2012 Gingrich suggested that Republicans should reconsider their opposition to him.
On July 14, 2016, Gingrich stated that he believed that Americans of Muslim background who believed in Sharia law should be deported, and that visiting websites promoting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant or Al-Qaeda should be a crime. Some observers question whether these views violate free speech and free practice of religious clauses from the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
On July 21, 2016, Gingrich argued that NATO members "had to worry" about US commitment to their defense. He expands, saying, "They should worry about commitment under any circumstances, every president has said that NATO countries do not pay their fair share". He also stated that, in the context of whether the United States would provide assistance to Estonia (NATO member) in the event of the Russian invasion, he "will think of it a great deal".
On December 7, 2016, the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Gingrich was denounced by many people after he tweeted that "75 years ago the Japanese showed the professional brilliance and technological power that launched a surprise from Hawaii to the Philippines".
Personal life
Marriage and children
Gingrich has been married three times. In 1962, he married Jacqueline May "Jackie" Battley (February 21, 1936 - August 7, 2013), a former high school geometry teacher, when he was 19 years old and 26 years old. They have two daughters from their marriage: Kathy Gingrich Lubbers, married to Paul Lubbers, is president of Gingrich Communications, and Jackie Gingrich Cushman, wife of Jimmy Cushman, Jr., is a writer, conservative columnist and political commentator, whose book includes > 5 Principles for Successful Life , co-authored with Newt Gingrich.
In the spring of 1980, Gingrich left his wife after starting an affair with Marianne Ginther.
In 1984, Jackie Battley Gingrich told The Washington Post that the divorce was a "total surprise" for him. According to Jackie, in September 1980, Gingrich and their children visited him while he was in hospital, recovering from surgery for cancer, and Gingrich wanted to discuss the terms of their divorce. Gingrich has denied the account. Although Gingrich's presidential campaign staff continued to insist in 2011 that his wife demanded a divorce, a court document obtained by CNN from Carroll County, Georgia, indicated that Jackie had asked the judge to block the process stating that although "she has enough and many reasons for divorce. he does not want it now [and] does not recognize that this marriage can not be restored. "The former daughter of Linda May Clay and Wilbur Allen Battley, Jackie Gingrich is a native of Columbus, Georgia. He is an active deacon and volunteer at the First Baptist Church of Carrollton, Georgia. He died in Atlanta at the age of 77.
According to L. H. Carter, Gingrich's campaign treasurer, Gingrich said of his first wife: "He is not young enough or beautiful enough to be the President's wife, and besides, he has cancer." Gingrich denied having said it. His supporters ignored Carter as a disgruntled former maid who is annoyed at not being asked to accompany Gingrich to Washington.
In 1981, six months after his divorce with his first wife was final, Gingrich married Marianne Ginther. Marianne helps control their finances to free them from debt. He is also one of the authors of his 1984 book "Window of Opportunity: A Blueprint for the Future". However, he does not want to have public life as the wife of a politician. Princess Gingrich, Kathy Lubbers described the marriage as "difficult".
In 1993, while still married to Marianne, Gingrich began having an affair with the staff of the Callista Bisek Representative, more than two decades younger than him. Gingrich and his second wife divorced in 2000. The marriage does not produce children. On January 19, 2012, Marianne Ginther Gingrich was accused in an interview on ABC Nightline that she refused to accept Gingrich's advice about open marriage.
Asked about allegations at the start of the televised mainstream South Carolina debate, Gingrich said the story was wrong and told moderator John King that making the ex-wife important question in the presidential campaign was "close to blameless." Gingrich received a standing ovation for risking a personal scandal into an attack on what he regarded as a media bias.
In August 2000, Gingrich married Callista Bisek four months after his divorce with Marianne was completed. He and Callista live in McLean, Virginia. In a 2011 interview with Christian Broadcasting Network's David Brody, Gingrich talked about his past affair by saying, "There is no question of time in my life, partly motivated by how excited I am about this country, that I work too hard and things happen in my unsuitable life. "In December 2011, after the Iowan group for Christian Leaders in the Government requested that he sign the so-called" Wedding Vow ", Gingrich sent a long written response. That includes his promise to "uphold personal loyalty to my spouse".
Raised as a Lutheran, Gingrich is a Southern Baptist at graduate school. He said: "For several years, I gradually became Catholic and then decided one day to receive the faith I had been celebrating." He decided to formally become a Catholic when he saw Pope Benedict XVI during the Pope's visit to the United States in 2008: "At a glance of Pope Benedict on that day, I was struck by the joy and peace he exuded.Joy and radiate the Presence of the Holy Father is a confirmation of many things I have been thinking and experiencing over the years. "In a 2011 appearance in Columbus, Ohio, he said," In America, religious beliefs are challenged by cultural elites who are trying to create a secular America, where God is driven from public life. "
The Catholic Church recognizes her third marriage as a legitimate marriage, based on the cancellation given for her second marriage and her wife's approval from the first.
Other interests
Gingrich has written about his interest in animals. Gingrich's first engagement in civic affairs speaks to the city council in his home country, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, why the city should set up its own zoo.
He wrote an introduction to Best American Zoo . He is also a dinosaur enthusiast. The New Yorker says about his 1995 book To Renew America : "He has enthusiastically defended his enthusiasm for an extinct giant into middle age, as well as breakthroughs in dinosaur research in his futuristic list of wonders, he mentions 'people interested in dinosaurs' as a prime example that might benefit from his educational proposal. "
Space exploration has been a concern since its appeal to the United States/USSR Space during her teenage years. Gingrich wants the United States to pursue new achievements in space, such as maintaining civilizations outside the Earth, but supporters rely more on the private sector and less on NASA publicly funded to drive progress.
Since 2010, he has served on the Board of Governors of the National Space Society.
During the 2012 election campaign, Artinfo notes that Gingrich has expressed appreciation for the work of two American painters. He described the painting of James H. Cromartie of the US Capitol as "a magnificent and truly beautiful work of art"; in Norman Rockwell's work, he sees the American manifestation around 1965, contrary to the prevailing sentiments of the modern "cultural elite".
CNN announced on 26 June 2013 that Gingrich will join the new version of Crossfire re-launched in fall 2013, with panelists S. E. Cupp, Stephanie Cutter and Van Jones. Gingrich represents the right to a revamped debate program. The show was canceled the following year.
Books and movies
Gingrich has written or co-authored 18 non-fiction books since 1982.
Gingrich co-authored the following novel and alternative novel series with William R. Forstchen.
- 1945 Baen Books, August 1995; ISBN 978-0-671-87739-2
- Civil War series
- Gettysburg: Novel Civil War Thomas Dunne Books, June 2003 ISBN 978-0-312-30935-0
- Grant Comes East Thomas Dunne Books, June 2004 ISBN 978-0-312-30937-4
- Never Call Retreat: Lee and Grant: Final Victory Thomas Dunne Books, June 2005 ISBNÃ, 978-0-312-34298-2
- Crater Battle: Novel Thomas Dunne Books, November 2011 ISBN: 978-0-312-60710-4
- Pacific War series
- Pearl Harbor: Novel 8 December Thomas Dunne Books, May 2007 ISBN: 978-0-312-36350-5
- Days of Infamy Thomas Dunne's book, April 2008 ISBN: 978-0-312-36351-2
- Revolutionary War series
- To Try Men's Souls: George Washington's Novel and the Struggle for American Freedom , October 2009, ISBN 978-0-312-59106-9
- Valley Forge: George Washington and Crucible of Victory , November 2010, ISBN 978-0-312-59107-6
- Victory at Yorktown , November 2012, ISBNÃ, 978-0-312-60707-4
- Miscellaneous Fiction
- Duplicity: A Novel Center Street Press, October 13, 2015, co-author Pete Earley, ISBN 978-1-4555-3042-7
- Betrayal: Novel A ', October 11, 2016
- Ronald Reagan: Rendezvous With Destiny , Gingrich Productions, 2009
- The Nine Days That Changed The World , Gingrich Productions, 2010
See also
- The history of Newt Gingrich's election
- Health Transformation Center
- The political position of Newt Gingrich
- List of federal political scandals in the United States
- List of federal political sex scandals in the United States
- The United States Representative List is issued, censured, or reprimanded
External links
- Newt Gingrich on Curlie (based on DMOZ)
- Biography at Directory of Congressional Biographies of the United States
- Committee for America
- Archive columns in Human Events
- Appearance in C-SPAN
- In Depth an interview with Gingrich, December 2, 2007
- Financial information (US House campaign) on the Federal Electoral Committee
- Biography at The American Enterprise Institute
- Biography at The Hoover Institute
- Newt Gingrich's paper at West Georgia University
- Articles
- Notes book interview with Gingrich on To Renew America , July 23, 1995
- Long March of Newt Gingrich, PBS Frontline, Peter Boyer and Stephen Talbot, January 16, 1996. transcript of chronology interview work and write
Source of the article : Wikipedia