Selasa, 26 Juni 2018

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Rock-paper-scissors may explain evolutionary 'games' in nature ...

Rock-Paper-Scissors (also known as paper, scissors, rocks or other variants) is a hand-held game that is usually played between two people, in which each player simultaneously forms one one of three forms with outstretched hands. These forms are "rock" (closed fist), "paper" (flat hand), and "scissors" (fist with index finger and middle finger lengthwise, forming V). "Scissors" is identical to the two-finger V mark (aka "victory" or "peace sign") except that it points horizontally instead of being held upright in the air. The simultaneous game, zero-sum, has only two possible outcomes: a draw, or a win for one player and a loss for the other player.

A player who decides to play rock will defeat other players who have chosen scissors ("crushing stone scissors" or sometimes "blunt scissors"), but will be defeated by people who have played the paper ("paper cover stones"); Paper games will be lost with a game of scissors ("cut paper scissors"). If both players choose the same shape, the game is tied and usually plays directly to break the bond. This type of game comes from China and spreads with rising contacts with East Asia, while developing various mark variants over time. Other names for games in English-speaking world include roshambo and another sequence of three items, with "rock" sometimes called "rock".

Rock-paper-scissors are often used as a fair selection method between two people, similar to turning coins, drawing straws, or rolling dice to settle disputes or making unbiased group decisions. Unlike a completely random selection method, however, rock-paper-scissors can be played with skill levels by recognizing and exploiting non-random behavior in opponents.

Video Rock-paper-scissors

Main game

The players usually count up loudly to three, or say the name of the game (eg "Rock! Paper! Scissors!" Or "Ro Sham Bo!"), Each time lifting one hand with a fist and swinging it down on the count or holding it in back. They then "throw" by stretching it towards their opponent. Variations include versions where players only use three counts before throwing their moves (throwing them on a count of "Scissors!" Or "Bo!"), Or versions where they shake their hands three times before "throwing".

Maps Rock-paper-scissors



The first known mention of game is in the book Wuzazu by Chinese Ming-dynasty writer Xie Zhaozhi ( fl. c. 1600), who wrote that the game dates back to the Han Chinese dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD). In the book, the game is called shoushiling . Li Rihua's Liuyanzhai Note also mentions this game, calling it shoushiling . ???; s. ???), or huoquan (??).

Throughout the history of Japan there are often references to sansukumi-ken, meaning "ken (boxing) games in which" three are afraid of each other "(ie A knock B, B beat C, and C beats A). This type of game originated in China before it was imported into Japan and subsequently also became popular among the Japanese.

The earliest Japanese game sansukumi-ken is known as mushi-ken (??), imported directly from China. In mushi-ken the "frog" (represented by the thumb) is replaced by a "snail" (represented by the little finger), which, in turn is replaced by a "snake" (represented by the index finger), which is replaced by the "frog". Although this game is imported from China, the Japanese version is different from that represented by animals. In adopting the game, the original Chinese characters for toxic centipedes (??) seem to be confused with the characters for slugs (??). The most popular Japanese game sansukumi-ken is kitsune-ken (??). In the game, a supernatural fox called kitsune (?) Beats the village head, the village chief (??) beats the hunter, and the hunter (??) beats the fox. Kitsune-ken , unlike mushi-ken or rock-paper-scissors, is played by making movements with both hands.

Today, the most famous sansukumi-ken is called jan-ken ( ????? ) , which is a variation of Chinese games introduced in the 17th century. Jan-ken uses stone, paper, and scissors markings and is a game that the modern version of rock-paper-scissors comes from directly. The game of hand using motion to represent the three conflicting elements of stone, paper, and scissors has become the most common thing since the modern version of the game was created in the late 19th century, between the Edo and Meiji periods.

At the beginning of the 20th century, rock-scissors-paper had spread beyond Asia, mainly through increased Japanese contact with the west. Therefore, its English name is derived from the translations of the names of three Japanese hand movements for stone, paper, and scissors: elsewhere in Asia, the open palm movement represents "cloth" rather than "paper". The form of scissors was also adopted from Japanese style.

Scattered Outside Asia

In England in 1924 it was described in a letter to The Times as a hand game, probably of Mediterranean origin, called "zhot". A reader then writes to say that the "zhot" game in question is clearly Jan-ken-pon, which he often sees played throughout Japan. Although on this date the game appears to have been fairly new to English readers needing to explain, the appearance in 1927 of the popular thriller with the title of Scissors Cut Paper followed by Stone Blunts Scissors (1929 ), suggested it quickly become popular.

In 1927 La Vie au patronage, a children's magazine in France, described it in detail, referring to it as "jeu japonais" ("Japanese game"). His French name, "Chi-fou-mi", is based on ancient Japanese words for "one, two, three" ("hi, fu, mi").

The 1932 Times New York Times article about the Tokyo rush hour explains the game rules for the benefit of American readers, pointing out that at that time it was not widely known in the United States. The 1933 edition Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia describes it as a common method for resolving disputes between children in his article on Japan; the name was given as "John Kem Po" and the article firmly asserted, "This is a great way to decide the argument that American boys and girls might also want to practice it."

Rock, Paper, Scissors: Google's Latest Android Ad Is The Best ...


It is impossible to get an advantage over a completely random opponent. However, by exploiting a non-random drawback, it is possible to gain significant benefits. Indeed, human players tend not to be random. As a result, there is a programming competition for algorithms that play rock-scissors-paper.

In tournament games, some players use tactics to confuse or trick other players into illegal acts, resulting in losses. One such tactic is to shout the name of one movement before throwing the other, to mislead and confuse their opponent. During the tournament, players often prepare for the order of their three moves before the start of the tournament.

The "rock" movement, in particular, is important because it is usually represented by a closed fist - often identical to a fist made by a player during the initial countdown. If a player tries to defeat their opponent by quickly reading their hand movements as the player makes their moves, it is possible to determine if the opponent will throw a "rock" based on the lack of movement of their hand, since both "scissors" and "paper" require the player to position back their hands. It can also be used to fool an anticipating opponent by keeping your fist closed until the last second, making them believe you will throw a "rock".


As a consequence of the rock-paper-scissors programming contest, many powerful algorithms have emerged. For example, Iocaine Powder, which won the first International RoShamBo Programming Competition in 1999, used a heuristic-designed strategy compilation. For each strategy used, it also has six metastrategies that beat guessing, guessing, and guessing your opponent, and so on. Optimal strategies or metastrategies are selected based on past performance. The main strategies used are historical matching, frequency analysis, and random guesses. His strongest strategy, matching history, searching past sequences that match some of the last moves to predict the next step of the algorithm. In frequency analysis, the program only identifies the most frequently played movements. Random guesses are fallback methods used to prevent huge losses if other strategies fail. More than ten years later, the best performing strategies in the ongoing rock-paper-scissors programming competition also use metastrategies. However, there are several innovations, such as using a double-matched matching scheme that each matches with different aspects of history - for example, opposing movements, program movements themselves, or a combination of both. There are also other algorithms based on the Markov chain.

In 2012, researchers from Ishikawa Watanabe Laboratory at the University of Tokyo created a robotic hand that can play rock-scissors-paper with a 100% win rate. Using high-speed cameras, the robot recognizes in a millisecond that forms the human hand, then produces the appropriate form of victory.

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Examples of usage in real life scenarios

American Case

In 2006, US federal judge Gregory Presnell of the Central District of Florida ordered opposing parties in a lengthy court case to resolve a trivial (but long-debated) issue about the right place for deposition using a paper-cut scissors game. Decisions in Avista Management v. Wausau Underwriters states:

After considering Motion - most recently in a series of Gordian knots that the parties can not decipher it without asking for help from federal courts - it is ORDERED that says Motion DENIED. Instead, the Court will establish a new alternative dispute resolution form: at 4:00 pm. on Friday, June 30, 2006, lawyers must convene on a neutral site approved by both parties. If a lawyer does not agree with a neutral site, they will meet on the front steps of Sam M. Gibbons US Courthouse, 801 North Florida Ave., Tampa, Florida 33602. Every lawyer is entitled to be accompanied by a paralegal who will act as an officer and witness. At that time and location, advice should be involved in one (1) game "rock, paper, scissors." The winner of the engagement is entitled to choose the location for a 30 (b) (6) deposition to be held somewhere in Hillsborough County during the period of 11-12 July 2006.

The discharge of this court order, which is widely circulated among local lawyers, is apparently intended to embarrass each law firm about their litigation behavior by resolving disputes in a funny way.

Auction house match

In 2005, when Takashi Hashiyama, CEO of Japanese television equipment manufacturer Maspro Denkoh, decided to auction off a collection of Impressionist paintings owned by his company, including Paul CÃÆ'Â © zanne, Pablo Picasso, and Vincent van Gogh, he contacted two leaders of the auction house, Christie's International and Sotheby's Holdings, are looking for their proposal on how they will bring the collection to the market as well as how they will maximize the profits from the sale. The two companies made a complicated proposal, but not convincing enough to get the Hashiyama business. Not wanting to divide the collection into a separate auction, Hashiyama asks the company to decide between those who will hold the auction, which includes CÃÆ'Â © zanne's Big Tree Under Jas de Bouffan , worth $ 12-16 million.

Houses can not reach a decision. Hashiyama told the two companies to play rock-paper-scissors to decide who gets the rights to the auction, explaining that "it may seem strange to others, but I believe this is the best way to decide between two equally good things ".

The auction houses have a weekend to come up with a choice of steps. Christie went to 11-year-old twin daughters from the international director of Christie's Impressionist and Modern Art Department Nicholas Maclean, who suggested "scissors" because "Everyone expects you to choose 'rock'." Sotheby said that they treated him as a coincidence game and did not have a specific strategy for the game, but went with "paper".

Christie won the game and sold the $ 20 million collection, with millions of dollars in commissions for the auction house.

In the video game

In many real-time strategies, first-person shooter, and role-playing games, are common to a group of weapons or types of units that are likely to interact in stone-paper-scissors styles, where every option is strong against certain options, but weak imitating the cycle of real-world warfare (such as strong cavalry against archers, strong archers against pikemen, and strong pitch against cavalry). Such a game mechanics can make the game somewhat balanced, and prevent gameplay from being overwhelmed by the dominant single strategy.

Many card-based video games in Japan use the rock-paper-scissors system as their core battle system, with the winners of each round able to carry out their designated attacks. Alex Kidd of the Sega Master System at Miracle World has a level where players must win the rock-paper-scissors game to continue. Others use simple variants of rock-paper-scissors as subgames such as Mario Party Advance and Paper Mario: Color Splash .

In Pokémon mon, there is a rock-paper-scissor element in the type effectiveness system. For example, Pokémon Grass type is weak to Fire, Fire is weak to Water, and Water is weak against Grass.

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Play the chimp

In Japan, researchers have taught chimpanzees to play rock-paper scissors.


Analog in nature

Lizard marriage strategy

The common worm lizard ( Uta stansburiana ) shows a rock-paper-scissor pattern in its mating strategy. Of the three types of male colors, "orange blue, blue yellow beats, and orange yellow beats" in competition for women, which is similar to the rock-paper-scissors rule.


Some bacteria also exhibit rock-paper-scissors that are dynamic when they are involved in the production of antibiotics. The theory for these findings is demonstrated by computer simulations and in the laboratory by Benjamin Kerr, who works at Stanford University with Brendan Bohannan. Additional results of in vitro show the dynamics of rock-paper-scissors in additional species of bacteria. Biologist Benjamin C. Kirkup, Jr. demonstrating that these antibiotics, bacterioicins, active as Escherichia coli compete with each other in the rat intestine, and that the dynamics of rock-paper-scissors make it possible to continue the competition among strains: antibiotic producers outperform antibiotics-sensitives; antibiotics-repellent breed and survive and compete against antibiotic manufacturers, allowing antibiotics-sensitive to multiply and outperform others; until antibiotic manufacturers breed again.

Rock-paper-scissors are the subject of continued research in the ecology and evolution of bacteria. It is regarded as one of the basic applications of game theory and non-linear dynamics for bacteriology. The evolution model shows how intragenomic competition can lead to the dynamics of rock-paper-scissors from relatively common evolutionary models. The general nature of this basic non-transitive model is widely applied in theoretical biology to explore the ecology and evolution of bacteria.

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International championships

Players from all over the world will again compete in international rock clipping tournaments to find out which country is best in the game. The 128-nation global tournament hosted by Wacky Nation was held in London on Saturday 16 April 2016.


Starting in 2002, the World Rock Paper Scissors Society standardized a set of rules for international games and has overseen the annual International World Championships. This open and competitive championship has been widely attended by players from all over the world and has attracted wide international media attention. WRPS events are recorded for their large cash prizes, elaborate staging, and colorful competitors. In 2004, the championship was broadcast on US television network Fox Sports Net, with the winner being Lee Rammage, who then competed in at least one more championship. The 2007 tournament was won by Andrea Farina. The last tournament hosted by the World Rock Paper Scissors Society was in Toronto, Canada, on November 14, 2009.

English Championship

Several RPS events have been held in the UK by Wacky Nation. The first English Championship took place on July 13, 2007, and then again on July 14, 2008, in Rhayader, Powys.

The 3rd British Championship took place on June 9, 2009, in Exeter, Devon. Nick Hemley, from Woking, Surrey, won the contest just by beating Chris Grimwood.

The 4th British Championship took place on 13 November 2010, at Durell Arms in West London. Paul Lewis of Woking beat Ed Blake in the final and collected £ 100 first prize and an English title. Richard Daynes Appreciation Society won the team event. 80 participants took part in the main contest and 10 entries in the team contest.

The British 5th Stone Paper Scissors Championships took place in London on Saturday 22 October 2011. The show is open to 128 individual competitors. There are also team contests for 16 teams. The 2011 single tournament was won by Max Deeley and the team contest was won by The Big Faces (Andrew Bladon, Jamie Burland, Tom Wilkinson and Captain Joe Kenny).

The 6th British Stone Paper Scissors Championships took place at Crosse Keys Pub, London on Saturday 13th October 2012 with over 200 competitors.

The 8th British Stone Paper Scissors Championship took place at the Green Man Pub in London on Saturday 4 October 2014, and was won by Dan Tinkler from Leicester.

The 9th British Stone Paper Scissors Championships took place at the Green Man Pub in London on Saturday 4 November 2015, and won by Loic Zimou from London.

The 10th British Stone Paper Scissors Championship took place at the Green Man Pub in London on Saturday 19 November 2016, and was won by Ronak Kansagra of Ealing.

The 11th British Stone Paper Scissors Championship takes place at the Crutched Friar pub in London on Saturday 18 November 2017.

USARPS tournament

USA Rock Paper Scissors League sponsored by Bud Light. Leo Bryan Pacis is the first commissioner of USARPS. Cody Louis Brown was elected second commissioner of USARPS in 2014.

In April 2006, the inaugural USARPS Championship was held in Las Vegas. After months of regional qualification tournaments held across the US, 257 players were flown to Las Vegas for a single elimination tournament at the House of Blues where the winner received $ 50,000. This tournament is featured on Network A & amp; E on June 12, 2006.

The $ 50,000 USARPS tournament 2007 took place at Las Vegas Mandalay Bay in May 2007.

In 2008, Sean "Wicked Fingers" Sears defeated 300 other contestants and left Mandalay Bay Hotel & amp; Casino with $ 50,000 after beating Julie "Bulldog" Crossley in the final.

The International Championship, Rock, Paper, Scissors Federation of Gender Federations was held in Beijing, China after the closing of the 2008 Summer Olympics at Club Bud. A Belfast man won the competition.

Olympic Team Championships 2012

International tournaments are held in London 2012. GB British Championship teams (Andrew Bladon, Jamie Burland, Tom Wilkinson and Stephen Preston) came on as outstanding favorites, but after captain of the team "domestic incident" and English champion Joe Kenny was forced to pull out, Stephen Preston to replace him. Britain became a respectable third person to clinch the Bronze Medal, while Vatican City favorites received Silver and Lapland A won a prestigious Gold Medal. England captain Tom Wilkinson commented, "After a 4-0 piece on hot favorites in Vatican City, we thought we had it.Lose simple concentration made us lose it, but we are happy with our bronze medal We will come back from this and take a look the title is back next year, the support is great, and we thank all the people who came to support us ".

National XtremeRPS Competition 2007-2008

The XtremeRPS National Competition is a national RPS competition with an Initial Qualifying contest starting in January 2007 and ending in May 2008, followed by the regional finals in June and July 2008. The national finals will be held in Des Moines, Iowa in August 2008, with opportunities to win up to $ 5,000.

Guinness Book of World Records

The biggest Rock-Paper-Scissors tournament is 2,950 and is achieved by Oomba, Inc. (USA) at Gen Con 2014 in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, on August 17, 2014.

World Series

Former host of Celebrity Poker Showdown and USARPS Referee Chief Phil Gordon has hosted a $ 500 World Series of Rock, Paper, Scissors annual event in conjunction with the World Series of Poker since 2005. WSORPS winner receives an entry to the WSOP Main Event. This event is an annual fundraiser for the "Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation" through Gordon's Bad Beat on Cancer charity. The poker player Annie Duke won the Second World Series Stone, Paper, Scissors. This tournament is recorded by ESPN and the highlight is covered during the "The Nuts" section of the annual WSOP ESPN broadcast. 2009 is the fifth year of the tournament.

Jackpot En Poy from Eat Bulaga!

Jackpot En Poy is the longest running segment of the day's Filipino gig, Eat Bulaga !. The game is based on classic rock-paper-scissors children's games in which four players are paired to compete in the three-round segment. In the first half, the first pair played against each other until one player won three times. The next pair played against each other in the second half. The winners of the first two rounds then compete each other to ultimately determine the final winner. The winner of the match then moved into the final round. In the final round, players are presented with several Dabarkads, each holding a different amount of cash prize. The player will then select three Dabarkads that he will play with a paper-rock scissors. Players play against them one by one. If the player wins against one of the Bulaga Eats! host, he will win a cash prize.

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Players have developed many cultural and personal variations on the game, rather than playing the same game with different objects, to expand into more weapons and rules.

Customized rules

In Korea, the two-player upgrade version comes with the name muk-jji-ppa.

In Japan, the "strip-poker" variant of rock-paper-scissors is known as ??? (Yakyuken). The loser of each round removes a clothing article. This game is a small part of porn culture in Japan and other Asian countries after the influence of various TV shows and Soft On Demand.

In the Philippines, this game is called jak-en-poy , from one of the Japanese game names, transliterated into jan-ken-pon . In an older version of the game, a four-track song is sung, with hand gestures displayed at the end of each line (or end): "Jack-en-poy!/Hali-hali-hoy!/Sino'ng matalo,/siya ' ("Jack-en-poy!/Hali-hali-hoy!/Whoever loses is a monkey!") In the first case, the man with the most wins at the end of the song, won the game. A shorter version of the game uses the song "Bato-bato-pick" ("Rock-rock-pick [i.e. select]") instead.

Various players can be played: Players stand in a circle and all throw at a time. If the stone, paper, and scissors are all thrown, it's a dead end, and they'll come back. If only two throws are present, all players with a losing toss are eliminated. Play continues until only the remaining winners.

Different weapons

In the Malaysian version of the game, "scissors" are replaced with "birds," represented with a fingertip of five fingers put together to form the beak. Open palm represents water. Birds beat the water (by drinking it); stone beats the bird (by hitting him); and the stone loses water (because it sinks in it).

Singapore also has a hand game called "ji gu pa," where "ji" refers to the bird movement, "gu" refers to the motion of the stone, and "pa" refers to the motion of water. This game is played by two players using both hands. At the same time, they both say, ji gu pa! "On the" pa! "They both showed two open arms, one player then changed his hand movements while calling his new combination out (eg," pa gu! ")" At the same time, other players also changed his hand movements. If one of his hand movements is the same as the other, the hand "comes out" and he puts it behind his back; he can no longer play that hand for the rest of the round. The players take turns in this way, until one player loses with both hands sending "out." "Ji gu pa" is most likely a transcription of Japanese names for different hand movements. in original jan-ken games, "choki" (scissors), "guu" (rock) and "paa" (paper).

Using the same tripartite division, there is an entire body variation instead of a signature called " Bear, Hunter, Ninja ". In this iteration the participants stand back to back and on the third count (or ro-sham-bo as traditional) turns to face each other using their arms to raise one of the totems. Player options unravel as: Hunter shoot bears; Bear eating ninja; Ninjas kill hunters. The game is popularized by FedEx ads where warehouse employees have too much free time in their hands.

Additional weapons

As long as the number of moves is an odd number and each movement beat exactly half of the other movements while being defeated by the other half, the combination of movement will serve as a game. For example, versions 5-, 7-, 9-, 11-, 15-, 25-, and 101-weapons exist. Adding new gestures has the effect of reducing the chance of a tie, while increasing the complexity of the game. The probability of a tie in the weapons rewards can be calculated on the basis of the number of weapons n as 1/n, so the probability of the tie is 1/3 in the paper-paper-scissor standard, but 1/5 in the version offering five movements instead of three.

Similarly, the French game "pierre, papier, ciseaux, puits" (rock, paper, scissors, good) is unbalanced; rocks and scissors falling into wells and losing, while paper covering the stone and with good. This means two "weapons", good and paper, can defeat two movements, while the other two weapons each defeat just one of three other options. The stone does not have a good advantage, so the optimal strategy is to play each other (paper, scissors and also) a third of the time. This version is also played in several regions of Germany; often adding "bull" (who drank the blank well, eating paper, but stabbed by scissors, and smashed by rock). The well is made by forming a circle with the thumb and forefinger to indicate the opening of the stone well; the bull is made by making a fist but extending the little finger and the index finger to show the bull's horn. Theoretically, the game "unbalanced" is less random but more psychological, more like a real-world conflict. However, such games are more popular for novelty than exploring such ideas.

Other variations add "fire" and "water". Fire wins against all three conventional weapons, but on the honor system can only be used once in a player's lifetime. It simply loses water, which itself is defeated by something else (and not limited to one use). Fire is shown by pointing fingers and thumbs up, palms down, and wriggling fingers; water is the same but with the palm up and the fingers down.

One of the most popular five-weapon expansion is "rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard" spencers, created by Sam Kass and Karen Bryla, who added "Spock" and "cizard" to the three default options. "Spock" is marked with Vulcan's "Star Trek salute, while" lizard "is shown by shaping the hand into a mouth like a sock-puppet puppet. Spock destroys scissors and evaporates stones; he was poisoned by lizards and proved by paper. Spock lizard and feeding paper; it was crushed by stone and decapitated with scissors. This variant is mentioned in a 2005 article in London's The Times and later became the subject of an episode of the American sitcom The Big Bang Theory in 2008 (as a paper-stones) -scissors- lizard-Spock).

The majority of the proposed generalizations are isomorphic to a simple modular arithmetic game, in which half the difference is a victory for players. For example, rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard (note the different sequences of the last two steps) can be modeled as a game in which each player takes a number from one to five. Subtract the number chosen by the player two from the number chosen by the player, and then take the remaining modulo 5 from the result. Player one is a winner if the difference is one or three, and player two is the winner if the difference is two or four. If the difference is zero, the game is a tie.

Alternatively, the ratings in rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard can be modeled by a parity comparison of the two options. If it is the same (two odd numbered or two even numbers), then the lower number wins, while if they are different (one odd and one even), the victory is higher. Using this algorithm, additional gestures can easily be added two at a time while maintaining the balance of the game:

  1. Declare the N1 move (where N is the total number of moves) that defeats all odd numbered moves that exist and lose to the other (eg, stone (# 1), scissors (# 3)), and lizards (# 5) can fall into German either either (# 6), while paper (# 2) closes it and Spock (# 4) manipulates it).
  2. Declare another N 2 move with inverse properties (such as plant (# 7) growing through paper (# 2), Spock toxin (# 4), and grow through either (# 6), while broken by stones (# 1), scissors (# 3), and lizards (# 5)).

Rock Paper Scissors Finger Puppets - Finger Puppets from SmileMakers

See also

  • Chopsticks (hand game)
  • Matching cents, binary equivalents
  • Morra (game), other hand game to decide trivia
  • Nontransitive dice
  • Rock-paper-scissors and social cyclic human behavior
  • Selection of actions simultaneously

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External links

  • Abrams, Michael (2004-07-05). "Throwing for The Gold". Pursuit . Forbes FYI . Retrieved 2007-04-09 .
  • Hegan, Ken (2004-01-07). "Hand to Hand Combat: Go down and dirty at World Rock Paper Scissors Championship". Rolling Stone Feature Articles . Retrieved 2009-03-30 .
  • Biological examples of stone-paper-scissors: Interview with biologist Barry Sinervo at 7th Avenue Radio Event Event
  • The World Paper Paper Scissors Association
  • Scissors Programming Scissors Programming Competition
  • Jenkins, Jolyon. "Paper Scissors". BBC Radio documentary explores the relationship between RPS and game theory . Retrieved 2015-08-08 .

Source of the article : Wikipedia
